After having clowned of late, performed and occasionally posted some varying length commentaries on my goings and doings in the realm of entertainment, I find that I went from top-o-the-heap (number one result) when searching for a clown in Goldsboro NC, which is my home of record, where I hang my hats, Goldsboro NC is where my house is, Goldsboro NC is where I sleep, eat, work and play; Goldsboro NC is where I walk my dogs and shine my enormous shoes, to number six (6) on the first page; to not even mentioned 5 pages later.
Yikes! What did I do to be forgotten so quickly? I did not stay fresh and current, that’s what. Well, here is something fresh and new. I have neglected to post about a particularly run of fun birthday parties I was happy to be engaged for; both here in Goldsboro NC and Kinston NC. Perhaps the search engine powers-that-be rashly assumed that I was no longer here. But I am still here, in Goldsboro NC; clowning, causing laughter, mirth merriment and spreading shenanigans throughout the known and unknown known free, not so free and even sometimes a bit pricey world.

Goldsboro, North Carolina. I continue to entertain children of all ages, and am enjoying a resurgence of interest in clown/comedy entertainment. Birthday parties are being booked again. And if you are planning one and want to engage a clown (say, me), please book as early as possible. My calendar is filling fast! The recession is not over, by any means, but there are signs of life out there. Welcome signs. Welcome to Goldsboro signs. The Dept. of Transportation finally is getting it right.
Of course, I am available to clown through out the planet, and have a considerable number of repeat annual engagements throughout Central and Eastern North Carolina… I happen to live in Goldsboro; have funny, will travel…
Keep yer smiles smilin’! I’ll see you around if you don’t turn square!
Visualize whirled peas!
Love to all, -Ubiquitous Clown, your local and not local Clown-about-Town in Goldsboro NC