Initially, I did not know what to expect. The fellow what hired me said he did not know what to expect, so who was I to expect anything? We arrived early, not expecting, well, I already addressed that part; there was already a HUGE crowd queuing up to get their photos and autographs from the famous “Lizard Lick Towing and Recovery” folks, who were there expressly for that purpose. It does not occur often that I am not the most popular attraction at a venue; and I certainly was far from it on that fine morning. Not to worry, no bruised ego here; I worked steadily and leisurely, and was handsomely rewarded for my efforts. At the end of our shift, we decided that 3.5 hours was a bit much to wait for our chance at an autograph. So we bid the happy campers adieu and repaired back to Clown Central to remove the accoutrements of clown and return to norbal. What was I expecting? To do the best I could. And I did.