In January 2019, Ubi the Clown was contacted by Jason Meaux and invited to star in a movie Jason was shooting for the Straight8 competition. Straight8 movies are shot on one cannister of Super8 movie film, with no editing; soundtracks are added blind, before the film is developed.
We met at the UNC Med School library. Karen made a reverse-breadcrumb picture story so she could find her way back to the parking garage.
John & Jason talked about making movies and clowning on a Saturday afternoon.

The next day, John turned into Ubi the Clown, with full clown makeup and outfit. John and his wife Karen Tiede met Jason and his partner Katharine Henry on Rosemary Street, where the movie began. The movie opens with Ubi getting out of a car.
Next, Ubi walks uphill to get to town. The director got lucky when one last car in the parking lot at the turtle mural left just before shooting began.
Ubi waited for everyone to catch up.
The movie crew walked from the Turtle Mural to Franklin Street, where Ubi walked down to the post office and then back the other side. Even though the theme of the movie was, “is a clown a clown if no-one sees him,” we proved it is impossible to walk around in full clown and have no-one see you!
Lots of families were out in Chapel Hill on a chilly Sunday afternoon. The kids wanted to interact and as much as he could within the confines of the movie script, Ubi did engage.
The crew joked around a bit at the Post Office, then crossed the street and walked back up the other side, passing University Methodist Church along the way. They turned south on Rosemary Street, toward campus.
Just past Top of the Hill, Ubi stopped dead in his tracks. What is this?!?
THIS is a Patrick Dougherty Reed sculpture installation at the Ackland Art Museum.
The team blocked out the scene where Ubi receives flowers in a teapot.
Of course, people wanted to meet Ubi.
In Chapel Hill, even the golden retrievers are well-read!
The final scene of the movie was shot in Forest Theater at Battle Park.
The movie ends with Ubi the Clown walking up the steps of the auditorium.
Ubi the Clown walks away at the end of the day.

Stay tuned–nobody knows how their movie does until the winners are announced in London in May!